Our projects

Peru - Agriculture in the Peruvian Amazon region
MI HUERTO RURAL (my garden) was launched, serving the families living in remote villages along the rivers of the Amazon.
Read more … Peru - Agriculture in the Peruvian Amazon region

Bolivia - Trees for the future
Through forestry, Arboles y Futura offers an alternative to the meager income in agriculture. Forestry provides new sources of income while protecting the soil from erosion.

Bhutan - Choki Traditional Art School
The school offers economically disadvantaged children from across Bhutan the possibility of studying the traditional arts, mainly thanka (scroll) painting, patra (carving), thag-zo (weaving) and tshem-zo (embroidery).

Brazil - Agricultural School in Veredinha, Minas Gerais
Sons and daughters of local farmers have the opportunity to enjoy higher education in their native region. The curriculum takes 3 years. The students graduate as agricultural technicians.
Read more … Brazil - Agricultural School in Veredinha, Minas Gerais