Our projects

Madagascar - Electrification of villages
Stefan Frey, a Swiss living in the very north of Madagascar has launched an initiative to electrify villages using wind turbines.

Burkina Faso - newTree - Fencing off land
In cooperation with local families and women’s groups new Tree fences off wasteland of about 3 ha to protect it from logging and grazing animals.

Nepal - WAWCAS - Women at Work, Children at School
The goal of the program is to empower and enable women to start their own business and to send their children to school regularly.
Read more … Nepal - WAWCAS - Women at Work, Children at School

Nob Bhutan - a marketplace for farmers and their products
Nob Bhutan is a for profit organization. Its goal is to be a leading business in the agricultural sector, making a sustainable contribution to the economy of Bhutan. The company is divided into two business units, the logistics unit “Nob Bhutan Farmers” and the production unit “Happy Chips”.
Read more … Nob Bhutan - a marketplace for farmers and their products

Madagaskar: refrigerated car for sustainably fished seafood
NEMACO is a social enterprise that works with fishing communities along the southern coast of Madagascar. It sells sustainably fished, high quality seafood products to customers in Toliara as well as along national road n° 7, all the way to Antananarivo (Capital), almost 1000 km away.
Read more … Madagaskar: refrigerated car for sustainably fished seafood