Basic Infrastructure
We support innovative solutions that give communities access to clean drinking water, electricity, cooking facilities and heating. The communities that benefit from this infrastructure are actively involved in the projects.

Peru - Agriculture in the Peruvian Amazon region
MI HUERTO RURAL (my garden) was launched, serving the families living in remote villages along the rivers of the Amazon.
Read more … Peru - Agriculture in the Peruvian Amazon region

Bolivia - Trees for the future
Through forestry, Arboles y Futura offers an alternative to the meager income in agriculture. Forestry provides new sources of income while protecting the soil from erosion.

Borneo - Bridges in the rainforest
The bridges are a big improvement for about 4’000 indigenous people in Penan. They no longer have to cross the river wading through the water in order to go to school or for basic services.

Madagascar - Electrification of villages
Stefan Frey, a Swiss living in the very north of Madagascar has launched an initiative to electrify villages using wind turbines.