Bolivia - Drinking Water in the Altiplano
Camata Sud, a village at 3'842 meters above sea, was looking for a solution to bring drinking water to its 500 inhabitants.
Initiated by the engineering company SIAB (Servicio Integral Agropecuario Boliviano) a project was defined to build two windmills to generate electricity and activate pumps to transport the underground drinking water to two elevated tanks of 7’000 liters each. From there the water is distributed to the households in the village. The system is fully redundant.

In March 2019 Fontana Foundation approved the investment in this project and paid for the equipment. The management of the project was done by SIAB pro bono and the work was carried out by the people of Camata Sud.

In November 2019, the project was completed and the people of Camata Sud had drinking water available in abundance.

This is a successful project realized on time and within budget by the people that benefitted from the project.