Nepal - WAWCAS - Women at Work, Children at School

The goal of the program is to empower and enable women to start their own business and to send their children to school regularly.
Lamjung in Nepal is a poor, underdeveloped area of Nepal. “Women At Work Children At School” (WAWCAS) is a collaborative project which was developed by the ANIN Group in Denmark and Slisha, a Nepali NGO.
The women enrolled in the WAWCAS program go through training with emphasis on enterpreneurship, personal development, saving- and loan-processes and social mobilization. WAWCAS provides training, business and home visits and small loans for women in order to enable them to start their own business.

The women create cooperatives consisting of up to 25 women, in which they save and lend money to each other and handle issues they face in their everyday life and business.
Program implementation started in 2008 by Slisha. Since then over a 1000 women completed the program and the vast majority of them successfully run their own business. As a result, more than 4000 children are attending school regularly.
In 2014 Fontana Foundation made an investment into WAWCAS and a number of cooperatives have been visited in the Lamjung area in 2015. We were impressed by what the cooperatives had achieved with the support of the local WAWCAS team. Small but growing businesses provide the families a small income to buy sufficient food and send their children to school every day.
The trainings provided give the women and their families a new perspective on life and the hope that they can take their destiny in their own hands.